Reporter John Murawski has a fascinating story in the morning’s edition of Raleigh’s News & Observer in which he explains one of the enormous and unsolved problems with fracking: What to do with the waste.
According to the story, the current plan for the would-be frackers in North Carolina is to truck all of the millions upon millions of gallons of toxic chemicals that would be produced via fracking in the Piedmont down east to be injected underground.
But a conservative Republican lawmaker from that area who also happens to be a hydrogeologist is quoted in the story as saying this is a terrible idea.
When asked about the plan to dump the fracking waste in his region, Rep. Rick Catlin (pictured at left) said: “That’s where it would be – no doubt about it. It’s going to be very controversial.”
Murawski also quotes Caitlin as saying:
“You’re basically contaminating an aquifer forever. Please don’t inject any down here.”
It will be fascinating to see if Caitlin’s fellow conservatives pay him any mind as they consider fast-track fracking legislation in the weeks and months ahead.
The post Conservative Republican legislator/geologist explains a huge problem with fracking appeared first on The Pulse.